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Compare Our 4 African Oils

(Marula-, Mongongo-, Baobab-, And Kalahari Melon Oil) To Others
 Marula oilMongongo oilBaobab oilKalahari Melon OilArgan oilShea ButterPalm OilCoconut oilAvocado OilOlive oilAlmond Oil
Oleic acid (omega 9)73 - 81%14 - 20%30 - 42%10 - 29%43 - 50%40 - 50%38 - 41%5 - 8%60 - 80%55 - 83%62 - 86%
Linoleic acid (omega 6)4 - 9%30 - 55%20 - 35%55 - 70%29 - 37%4 - 8%9 - 11%7 - 20%7 - 20%3.5 - 21%7 - 30%
α-linolenic acid (omega 3)1 - 3%15 - 29%1 - 3%≤ 2%≤ 0.3%≤ 1%0.4%≤ 2%0.2 - 1%≤ 1.5%≤ 0.2%
Palmitic acid10 -13%5 - 15%18 - 30%8 - 13%12 - 13%3 - 8%32 - 47%8 - 11%10 - 25%7.5 - 20%4 - 9%
Saponification value (mg KOH/kg)188 - 196190 - 205180 - 200180 - 200180 - 200170 - 190190 - 205250 - 264180 - 195184 - 196190 - 200

We Believe in enabling the betterment in our poorer Africa communities

We are looking for long term social and development partners in creating new product opportunities –enabling the betterment in our poorer Africa communities. We currently have a production capacity of 100-ton oil per year.

Discover our 4 African Oils

It is a clear, pale, yellowish-brown colour and has a pleasant nutty aroma. The main properties of the oil include:

  • High nutritional value (See Table 1)
  • Extraordinary oxidative stability
  • Antioxidant action
  • Free radical scavenging properties
  • Moisturizing properties
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Local people have been using it for centuries to protect skin and hair from wind, sun and dry weather and is now gaining popularity as the rest of the world becomes aware of its beneficial qualities. Archaeological evidence has shown that the fruits were used by the Bushmen as far back as 6000 years. They used the kernels mainly as food but also “chew” the kernels and rub it onto their bodies as a moisturizer against the African heat.

It is nourishing and moisturizing, spreads easily and penetrates without leaving a greasy skin.

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Baobab Oil is packed with nutrients and minerals providing a wide range of skin care benefits. It nourishes the epidermis of the skin, the outermost layer of the skin that provides a waterproof barrier and creates our skin tone. This has the effect of softening the skin and giving it greater elasticity.

It is used as an effective treatment for stretch marks helping to reduce their appearance. It can also help with a range of skin disorders including eczema, sunspots and psoriasis.

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Although found all over Southern Africa, it is most closely associated with the Kalahari sands of Namibia, Botswana, south-western Zambia and western Zimbabwe. It belongs to the botanical family of Cucurbitaceae.

Archaeological evidence suggests that the Kalahari melon has been used for over 4000 years. The San (Bushman) use the melon seed oil to moisturize their skin and encourage hair growth, while the pulp mixed with water is used as a sunblock. The rich yellow oil of Kalahari melon seeds has been used traditionally in Southern Africa as an ingredient in soap.

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Natural, Clean & Earthy